Personally, I think the hardest part of growing up is the realization that people grow apart. Some days it feels like I'm always losing friends. The people I was "besties" with even a few months ago, I barely text or contact anymore. Friendships from high school are almost nonexistent. People grow up, they change, they move on with their lives and you with yours. Trying to balance college, jobs, family, ministry, time for can be overwhelming. Sometimes you don't think about the friendships you've lost. Sometimes it hurts. Sometimes it doesn't bother you. Relationships change, the person you thought you couldn't live without becomes a stranger. The person you thought was your "ride or die" suddenly is too busy to answer your calls. Growing up often has a harsh way of letting you know that the world doesn't revolve around you and peoples lives don't either. Social media doesn't help the hurt, you can "stalk"-- okay, maybe stalking is a harsh word, but in essence isn't that what we do by constantly viewing someone's page-- almost like opening a wound over and over again when your "bestie" or your "ex" is moving on with their lives and other people. You lose focus of the people who are there for you and have been there for you no matter and focus on the people you have lost.
It's hard. It's hurtful. But it's also just part of life. Take a second, think about the friendships, relationships, or just people you have lost. Have they been replaced? Hasn't God always put someone in your life that can fill that spot? If not with a physical person, is that a void He should have been filling in your life? Were you letting that person take the place the belongs only to Him? I'm learning that God takes away things that we put above Him. And I'm learning how easy it is to replace God with people. We can touch people, we can "rely" on people when we think God is not reliable. In all honesty, we are only setting ourselves up for hurt when we think that people could take the place of God. When we think that people could fill that longing in our heart for acceptance and love and attention.
Friendships and relationships are wonderful gifts from God, don't think I'm saying we shouldn't have friends. We just have to be careful. We get trapped in this "Peter Pan" mentality of never growing up, never taking responsibility and never discovering happiness for ourselves because we rely so much on other people for our happiness. Society puts so much pressure of us having the most friends, the most likes, the most double taps, that we forget that it's okay to be alone or just have a few close friends. The whole world doesn't have to love us, follow us, or even like us, our worth isn't tangent on the acceptance of others.
Sometimes we forget (I have to constantly remind myself) Jesus understands. He was betrayed by His friend. Someone He spent time with, someone who was supposed to "have His back" hurt Him. He gets it, He's felt those emotions. We put up these walls, this "I don't care, no one can hurt me facade." But He sees through that, and honestly most people do too. You can put all over social media how you're "over it" "Miss moving on" or just "not caring anymore" but we all know deep down you care, deep down (maybe even not so deep) you're hurt.
I think we forget we are allowed to hurt. We are allowed to be sad and to run to the One who can heal our hurts. Psalm 71:3 says ||Be thou my strong habitation whereunto I may continually resort....for thou art my rock and my fortress.|| He loves us, He wants us to come to Him. When I find myself hurting instead of texting my current "bestie" or distracting myself with Facebook or snapchat, I should be talking to the only One who can heal my hurt.
"The cure to a lonely heart is to be alone with Jesus."
Take some time to talk to Him today, let Him fill that spot--that craving for attention love and acceptance--that can only be satisfied by Him.